Thursday, June 17, 2010

Come to the END

Just another 72hours, school holidays will come to the END. Needed to wait for another 3 months or so before the next in September(not sure). Still a lot of things haven't have the time to get it done before school reopen, like preparing karangan contoh for 5A class. 5K and 5A are the two class I teach. For 5K, I already sent out my love letter to each and everyone of them hoping that they will change their attitude and pay more attention in class, and the most important thing is to pass the BM subject in SPM examination. For 5A class, I have planned to buy each and everyone of them a workbook to help them. I just wish all the work and effort will not like 'mencurah air ke daun keladi'.
With my thesis still pending, it is hard for me to concentrate on my work in school. I had tried my best to cope with all the work in hand. My father, my son, my family, my work, my thesis, myself. Just hope everything will go smooth and fine till end of the year. I had sound to headmaster that I would like to teach in the afternoon, I do not know whether it is a wise choice or decision to make but will see.

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